“Performing for obejcts” dalyviai
We would love to congratulate for these artists being selected to be a part of “Performing for objects” laboratory process:
Kaisa Ling will perform for a BATHTUB:

“The object I’ve chosen is to perform for is a bathtub, because I have been a lousy bathtub user all my life, I have had very few contacts with specific bathtubs, but this particular type of object is actually a very loaded one, connected to the most primitive, secret, and obscure parts of the human experience.”
Denisas Kolomyckis for CAMERAS:

“My object will be – cameras. I love to be on camera and I have always enjoyed process of performing (dancing, acting) in front of the camera. I also have started my video dance diary, witch is ongoing project (it will end Dec 2021). Nerveless, being in front of the camera is a comfortable feeling for me but what I would also like to research additionally to the performance for cameras – is the feeling of watching documentation after, cause there I have some issues.”
Greta Grinevičiūtė for a WASHING MASCHINE:
“My object is a washing machine. As an choreographer I have planned a lot of series for objects and family members as “Dance for a vacuum cleaner and father”, now I’m working on “Dance for a washing machine and mother”, although these pieces will be created for human audiences, but for my developing stadium it’s super nice and challenging to reverse the thinking and create for a washing machine.”
Marija Baranauskaitė and Greta Grinevičiūtė dancing for washing machines in 2014 in Berlin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HzJA1J4XK4
Barbora Šiaulytė for MIRRORS:

“I choose to research my relationship with the mirror. This object immediately alludes to the quality of narcissism and is a very ambiguous object. I choose this object specifically, because I am interested not only in my relationship with it, but it’s relationship with a human.”
The research is aiming to question: Can we perform for objects and how can we do it? What are the differences between human and object audiences? What kind of relationships we have between humans and objects and what does it reveal to us? Does creation without getting any response makes sense?